“Health is a state of complete harmony of the body, mind and spirit. When one is free from physical disabilities and mental distractions, the gates of the soul open.”
Paediatric osteopathic treatment is very gentle and uses subtle techniques which release stresses and strains in the baby’s body. Osteopathic assessment and treatment for newborns is recommended as early as possible after birth, but not limited to babies. Osteopathic treatment benefits children of all ages.
The cranial bones host vessels to which the body regulates from. A particular attention is given to identify how the cranium sets afterbirth, membranes of the cranium and its tissue continuing down the spine must be free of any pulls and compressions. The check up of a new born baby takes into consideration the health of the mother during the pregnancy, the intra-uterine development and position of the baby, the labour and delivery – whether all natural, assisted delivery or by c-section.
We perform an assessment for reflexes, the hip position, breathing pattern and the general alignment of the body. It is particularly important to look at how the baby holds its head and rotates its neck. A gentle palpation of the cranial bones is performed to assess their alignment This is a very important aspect of our work and gives me an idea of the stresses and strains which have been placed upon the head and spine during labour. The cranial bones need to unfold after birth – but this process can take a bit longer after a ventouse – or forceps – assisted delivery, or long labour.
Tension in the cranium or the musculo-skeletal system can lead to a very unsettled baby who has problems falling into a proper deep sleep pattern and is easily startled by any noise or movement. Other examples of problems that can arise are such as digestive discomforts like constipation - colics - signs of reflux, retained wind which leads to colic problems or difficulties with burping the baby.
Pediatric conditions that can benefit from manual osteopathy:
Ear infections
Breastfeeding problems
Sinus problems
Balance issues
Sleep problems
Osteopathic Practitioner, Registered Massage Therapist
“I am dedicated to the service of my community and thrilled to provide a platform for healing to take place with the exceptional team at Nourish Clinic.”
Osteopathic Practitioner
“Health is a state of body. Wellness is a state of being.”